
Thursday, July 7, 2011


Hai friends...How are you all...Hope everyone had a superb long weekend..
As for me..I was at home this weekend taking so called hubby was kind enough to give me some rest and take care of the kid...eventually(and obviously) ended up  taking care of papa, son and house..:)An advantage was I dint cook...
Ok now why I am missing from blogging....As I said my son completed 1 year, he has become more interactive and I am totally enjoying moving around with him but with all these his mischief too has got doubled...I now always think the wordings 'boys are boys' and manage myself....His small pranks told by his grandparents are..Climbing the sofa and trying to bend down from there..Throwing things out of the balcony...Turning the gas buttons..playing with food and drinks..All these are extras, along with  his all time mischief like working as an engineer, electrician , plumber still exists...:) So you all can imagine my situation...I am literally flying behind him..with cooking while he is asleep...which is just 30 min...:(
More over when ever I sit in front of system...his toys come flying on the keyboard and they are on the table and he cant touch them...If after that mama doesn't get up from chair then he uses his weapons...teeth to bite the areas he can  access..:) So finally mama goes with him...seeing mama sitting simply he comes to me and gives me one of his toys and then resumes his until papa comes mama is busy playing with him without even allowed to get up from the place where he has placed me...ya toys are changed by him frequently, seeing that mama is not bored with same toy..:)..So even though I am cooking regularly I am not able to write it and I am not allowed to sit in front of system/read books for more than 5 I am not visiting your space regularly...sorry that's the only thing that I can say...Infact if time could be borrowed I would definitely do that to manage the stuffs...One more request...all moms suggest me some methods to reduce kids dangerous sofa climbing :). Now to the recipe..

Rasagulla is a sweet which I never liked when I ate it first time, Rubbery texture...and extreme sweetness..I was sure that this was not for me...Then after years I met my man....A lunch in the hotel...a dessert....I was all set to tell gulab jammun and the man next to me...'2 cups of rasgulla' to the waiter and turning towards me with a smile..."Thats my all time fav sweet..." he he he...I smiled thinking the law.."Unlike poles attract":)...Yes now my likes and dislikes have all changed to an extend...and I had tried this out many times at home using pressure cooker..with ok results...This time I tried using a vessel with lid and that was really good...many bloggers have done this and after searching long time..went with this process and am glad that I did.So here is the recipe..

Milk-2 cups
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp
Water-1 1/2 cups
Sugar-3/4 cup
Cardamom-2 no

Method Of Preparation:
1. Heat milk in a pan and bring it to boil, then add lemon juice and stir properly till milk curdles completely.
2. Take a muslin cloth and pour the curdled milk,collect the paneer by squeezing any whey water from it.
3. Wash the collected paneer properly under cold water to remove the lemon flavor from it. Squeeze the maximum amount of  water from it.
4. The paneer will be crumbly in texture. Knead it well for sometime to form a smooth dough. From that dough make small balls(I made cherry sized balls) and keep aside.
5. Heat water in a wide vessel,add sugar and cardamom pods,let sugar dissolve and then bring it to boil. Then add the balls slowly and simmer it for 3 mins. Then cook it on medium heat for 10min with a lid on vessel.After 10mins see if the balls have doubled in size.If yes its done, else place the lid back and continue cooking for some more time.(For me it got doubled in 10 mins).
6. Cool it and serve.


  1. mouthwatering to have it!!

  2. looks very tempting...very well explained

  3. i love rasgullas and rasmalais..they are my fav

  4. Really Dear kids are kids... I am also having a tough time these days. My daughter (2 yr old) is become very naughty. I get no time for my blog now :( Stil managing something...

    I loved the rasgullas... enjoy the white jamuns ;)


  5. Wonderful clicks, simply looks out of the world..delicious rasgullas..

  6. wow, that stage is handsful, wait till he becomes 2.. lol, not trying to scare you. And, nope you cannot do anything to him climbing things, just be careful, make sure you don't have any sharp edges anywhere, these days you get blocks or guards for almost surfaces, try to look for them. These rasgullas look delicious :)

  7. Rasgullas look awesome feel like gobbling a few.Loved reading your adventure with your little one,soon he will be a big boy and you will be missing these moments.My daughter who was mommies little girl is more of daddies little girl now and I miss those days when she was very like your little one.Give the little fellow a hug for me.

  8. Delicious Rasagulla..drooling here! :)

  9. Even I have been wanting to try them out since a long time.I think I will do it now. Thanks for the recipe...Rasgullas look perfect.

  10. yummy rasgullas..nice to knw u r having a great time with ur baby..its difficult to manage these naughty lil cuties..:)

  11. Woww.. looks yummy and delicious...

  12. Njan rasgullas oru 2-3 times undakki nokkittundu, ellam flop aayirunnu :( Yours look perfect and tempting..

  13. Really boys are boys can't control or manage till they turn 3 ...the same thing happen here also that too with 2 naughty boys 2 n 3 yrs old :) just enjoy the lovely moments n take much care...don't try to control which tends him to do more rather encourage him with other similar axns like simply to jump up :) pet him on behalf of me :)
    Rasagullas looks so yummy n perfect...lovely clicks

  14. Rasgulla looks just yum and your boy really sound naughty :D

  15. Irresistible and yummy rasgullas.

  16. Loved reading your post dear....I too am more or less in the same situation the only respite being I have my in-laws who take care of my lil princess for a while. And I blog while she naps in the afternoon, between 1 to 3pm...It's actually fun to watch them...Rasagullas have turned out them

  17. lovely wite up Reshmi. I have 2 boys but thankfully in school now. I know what you are going thru. Rasagullas have turned out well.

    Event: Let's Cook - School Break Time Snacks

  18. Gorgeous looking rasagullas,so soft and spongy. Enjoyed ur write-up and understand the pranks he must be upto. Just ensure there are no sharp edges which might hurt him or any objects on the ground when he is jumping, cannot avoid this,try to enjoy, this stage will fly past very quickly and u would surely miss it :):)A big bear hug to cutie pie from me.

  19. Pass those cuties to me,i don't mind to finish it...

  20. Rasgullas came out so well !! love to have this dessert any time !! yummy !!

    Ongoing Event - CC-Roti Pachadi/Chutney

  21. Oh dear you find time even after he plays those many pranks... Rasgullas have come out superb...

  22. Come out perfect,its absolutely tempting.

  23. Rasgulla is delicious, looks super. Yes when the little ones becomes more active no rest for mommy.

  24. Looks perfect and yummy! I understand what you're going through but don't be discouraged, just monitor what he does and make sure the house is kids friendly....

  25. Loved reading your post :)
    Rasgullas are fabulous... i m too chicken to attempt them yet...

  26. sweet and tasty dish

  27. perfect rasgulla dear..delicious.

  28. Rasgulla looks so tempting,nice preparation.

  29. Great recipe, I love Rasgulla! Tempting pics! Just loved reading about your naughty son ;)

  30. Delicious rasagulla's..looks so spony and soft..YUM!!

  31. Wow! would love to have one of those bowl all for me :) YUM!!!!!

  32. lovely looking treats and hey u have to wait till he turns 2 to really know the depth of things they can indulge in- my son is 2 and keeps me on my toes perpetually; having said that there is no other way out but to just be as a shadow and make sure they dont get in to trouble- it 's a phase really !

  33. rasagula looking yummy n tempting clicks

  34. ˚。ჱܓ

    É tudo de bom!!!

    Bom domingo!
    Boa semana!
    ° 。✿♥ °° 。Beijinhos.
    ✿♥ °° 。Brasil

  35. Rasgullas look super soft n spongy ~ a classic very well recreated!
    US Masala is hosting a giveaway. Do check it out here

    US Masala

  36. Hey Reshmi, Be attentive and spend more time with him. My daughter (who is now 3yrs), was like that.. :) Only thing we can do is to be behind them. Loved ur rasgullas.

  37. Yummy and tempting rasagullas. First time here you have a nice space.

  38. oh thats so cute...and oh yeah boys are boys alle...!!!
    Simply delicious rasagulas

  39. Delicious Rasagullas :) Looks perfect and tempting :)

  40. yesterday i baught haldiram's rasaqgulla.. if i saw this yesterday i would have made at home.. too tempting dear :0

  41. Rassullas have come out really good,perfect !

  42. Achoodaa.. Such a sweet lil' son you have :) I can picturize all that you mentioned here :D It must be fun to c your lil' one growing up and talking and playing pranks :) Great to see you back. Missed your posts..

    And wow.. I love Rasgullas :D Yours looks prefect :)

  43. wow..this is my fav and you made so perfectly...loved it...yumm

  44. my all time favorite sweet ....perfect round rasgullas Reshmi.. Glad to follow you :)


  45. Reshmi, i hopped over from ur rasmalai post and loved reading this post...sounds so similar to the stage I am in now, as my little guys is just abut the same age as urs described here and though he hasn't started using his teeth as weapons , he does all the other things :-)
    I can only imagine the scene where u r flying around the house trying to keep him from mischeif **giggle**

    even for me rasgulla isnt a fav...n i loved ur line..."opposites attract" - i always tell that to Manish :-P


Thank you for your time to vist my small world of cooking. Your comments are my inspiration. Criticism and suggestions are always welcome. Happy cooking!