
Friday, April 27, 2012

Kadumanga/kannimanga Achar/Tender Mango Pickle

Laziness rules me these days...A vacation changes your whole routine..Staying with a crowd for 3 weeks and now almost alone throughout day makes me mad, sad and desp...I guess same is with my son...He pulls me from kitchen and makes me sit on the couch and plays in front of me...Looks like he too is missing the crowd who used to play with him, laugh at his pranks..
This recipe belongs to Mom...she did it...I just carried it to US..While going to India had plans of clicking some pics there...but to our horror our camera battery and charger was missing...We thought that it would safely be at home but No...its not...Now where is it? Anyways we bought a new set now..
Here is the recipe according to mom..

Method Of Preparation:
1. Wash the tender mangoes, drain, pat them dry and keep aside. Take care that the mangoes are real dry with no trace of water.
2. Place the mangoes in a bharani and layer them with salt.Now close the lid and tie the mouth of bharani with a clean cloth.
3. Keep this for 2 weeks.By then the mangoes will shrink and there will be salt brine. These mangoes can be kept for years.

To make pickle:
1. Heat the mustard seeds slightly and then give a quick pulse to remove the seeds from the outer black cover.Now dust the black cover and keep the yellow colored seeds alone.
2. Separate the salt brine and mangoes in two clean dry vessels.Add the mustard seeds, chili powder and asafoetida powder to the salt brine and mix well.
3. Add the mangoes to this and mix well.
4. Heat the sesame oil and cool it.
5. Add half ot the cooled oil to the mango pickle and mix well.Transfer it to dry bharani and add the remaining oil on top of it.
6. Close the lid and tie with the white cloth. Keep it for a month or two before using.

1. Water should not be there in the whole process.The presence of water reduces the shelf life.
2. When I refer to salt brine I mean salt and the water oozed out of mango.
3. Use the salt brine as needed while making pickle.Too much of it in the pickle makes it watery.
4. Nattumanga(Sour variety of tender mango) is the best to make this pickle.
5.while heating the mustard take care that it doesn't crack.
6. The mangoes can be left in the salt brine for years, if every procedure is followed properly.These mangoes are called uppu manga(salted mangoes)
7.The chili powder can be adjusted to the spice level,usually these pickles are spicy.
8. Bharani can be replaced with glass jars.
9. The mangoes are put with a small part of their stem(kanni).This enhances the taste.

Sending this to Kerala Kitchen hosted by Ramya at Ramya's Recipe


  1. I first had this pickle - called Vadumanga, when I was a kid. My aunt used to get it specially for us from Mumbai! And we had never seen anything like it before! tiny, cute, whole mangoes in a spicy pickle! Yummm...

  2. Omg, cant take my eyes from ur clicks,u r killing me..mouthwatering here..

  3. wow...I absolutely love tender mango pickles...bookmarked !!!looks absolutely mouthwatering !!!

  4. Welcome back, kadumanga achar kandittu kothi varunnu.

  5. One of my favorite pickles, looks superb. I am sure you had a lovely vacation.

  6. Oooh! i'm salivating! kadumanga achar!! This is my first visit to your blog and i'm thrilled to be here! Lovely recipes!

  7. This looks fantastic

  8. my fave pickle...lovely clicks and presented well in bharani..thanks for linking with kerala kitchen

  9. o my... me drooling... in our part of kerala, we call this kanni Manga achar...and mangoes chopped fine and made with a lot of mustard is called kadu manga or kadugu manga achar....

  10. Hope u had a good holiday at home,that the sad thing about holidays,coming back to empty house :(
    Achar adipoli.

  11. Such beautiful clicks. This is the first time I am in your blog space. I am happy to follow you.

  12. Sorry Reshmi, please delete the last post- there was a mistake..
    Hi Reshmi, your mango pickles look sooo appetizing and delicious, love to eat this with rice.
    nothing better than learning recipe from own mom huh. have a nice day

  13. Very yummy n tempting pickle, lovely presentation too...

  14. wow...vadumanga pickle looks more tempting...

  15. awesome clicks!!lovely mango's are the best!..thank you for your commnt and for joining up...i discovered your space..lovely your happy follower now.

  16. Wow...Perfect Pickle..We say it as "Vadu Mangai Pickle "..Lovely pics!!
    Will be wonderful with Curd rice :)

    Prabha's Cooking
    Ongoing Event : HITS ~ Soy Recipes

  17. Vadamanga. Lovely. Glad you managed the pictures finally and shared them with us.

  18. this pickle is my hubby's favorite ...pickle looks gr8..thanks for sharing
    Super Yummy Recipes

  19. My mouth is watering, absolutely delicious! Tempting pics as always!

  20. loved the new avatar of your site, and great pics. kadumanga is my all time fav, looks gooooooood!

  21. Kadumanga reminds me of home..making me home sick too...really nice spicy looking pickle.

  22. pickle looks fantastic. nice pictures

  23. There is an award waiting for you at

  24. delicious pickle.mouthwatering.i loved ur Bharanni right in malayalam.awesome clicks

  25. One of the best pickles, nice presentation.

  26. Very very tempting looking pickle........

  27. That is an amazing color of the pickle.. gorgeous pictures too!

    I am having an auction fundraiser for an amazing organization with lots of fun items on auction by bloggers. Please do drop by if you have a minute to bid or share!

  28. lovely pickle!! will be awesome with curd rice!!


  29. Lovely post Reshmi! We use a slightly different recipe; our Mulagu-Manga does not have mustard of oil. the Kadukku-manga one is also different. The mangoes in brine seem come out perfect.:-)

  30. Hi Reshmi
    Please correct if I am wrong.
    For 500 gms Mangoes you are adding 250 gms of salt which I think is a big mistake.
    Since last 3 years I was looking for a perfect Tender Mango Recipes but I haven't found one till date.
    I tried many recipes of well known blogs but eveything was a great disaster wasting time and money.
    My last try was a just a month ago. The recipe says 250 gms of salt for 1 kg mango but I used only 200 gms but even then the pickle was very very salty unfit for consumption and I had to throw it away.
    Therefore adding 250 gms of salt to 1/2 kg mango is not justified at all.

  31. Hi Reshmi
    Please correct if I am wrong.
    For 500 gms Mangoes you are adding 250 gms of salt which I think is a big mistake.
    Since last 3 years I was looking for a perfect Tender Mango Recipes but I haven't found one till date.

    I tried many recipes of well known blogs but eveything was a great disaster wasting time and money.
    My last try was a just a month ago. The recipe says 250 gms of salt for 1 kg mango but I used only 200 gms but even then the pickle was very very salty unfit for consumption and I had to throw it away.
    Therefore adding 250 gms of salt to 1 kg mango is not justified at all.
    Secondly keeping mango for 2 weeks will have lots of fungus on top where mangoes are not immersed in brine water.

  32. KJ Mathew: Thanks for your time. Kadumangas tend to be a little on the saltier side though not much. The above recipe is from my mom the way she makes it and we do enjoy it..You can try it by adding less salt. Secondly if the mangoes are good and dry while you put it along with salt and the vessel is clean and tied or closed properly there is no chance of fungus growing on it. Back at home we wash the mangoes, pat dry and let it to air dry for a day. Mom puts it in a clean bharani closes with a tight lid and then ties a cloth covering the lid tightly and keep aside. Salt helps to preserve the mangoes as well as remove maximum juice from it resulting in brine. While making pickle you can add nicely boiled and cooled water with some amount of salt brine to reduce the salt if really needed. Hope this helps and good luck with the search for the perfect recipe.


Thank you for your time to vist my small world of cooking. Your comments are my inspiration. Criticism and suggestions are always welcome. Happy cooking!