
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Carrot Beetroot Pickle

Time is so unpredictable, You need runs and when you dont need it...each second waits for you...making you feel that the clock is struck..Isn't it right?
Everyone once in their life must have thought this..I have been thinking of this until now and sure will be thinking till end of my live...

I think I am not in good terms with time...Its running away from me...Each day morning starts...noon comes and then moon comes..;) I dont find time in between...Its all eaten up by my prince...why shouldn't he eat...after all he is the Prince..

Day starts with the breakfast 8:30... 2 to 3 bites of breakfast and then run fast behind him to feed the rest...
Little food goes in tummy.. then comes...amma njan swantham(Mom...I alone)..Then its miltary rule...plate has to be in front of him...Starts eating... 1 piece into tummy and 10 pieces flying around the table...Even if you run to catch always miss..

Breakfast done...confusion starts...Clean the Prince or the surrounding...Surrounding cleaning..Prince yelling, screaming...Prince cleaned and left near by surrounding is a mess...
A glance at the clock..its 10:30, Run to the gas....Clean, chop ,cook..Mama cooking...Prince busy grabbing stuffs from cupboards and counter tops..I had just cleaned and kept the tomato here..No Prince, No to the couch..Oh God..Tomato smeared couch, carpet and Tomato juice bathed Prince..with smoke in the room because of the wok on the stove..and the perfect working fire alarm starting to sing..Again run!!!!!

Cooking done...completely sit on the couch and a cat mews...You feel like you are in a toy shop that has just been attacked by a gang of monkeys...every thing thrown every where...After few requests to the Prince I finally decide to clean the mess...Things back to the toy room...Couch cleaned..Drinks a cup of water sees again on the couch toys are here and a smile next to it.

Next is the lunch time...which goes pretty well as Prince gets involved too much in cartoon and books and then comes dad.Sleep wraps my Prince which sure prince fights and escapes faster..
The same process continues throughout the day...

Ya I know I can wait till night to clean the messiness...Those days there will be someone dropping in and I will be running grabbing the stuffs so that the guest can sit somewhere...
These are some of the stuffs that happens on a regular day including Prince bathing, Potty training, bicycle riding..etc ..etc...

Now if by any mistake I feel that I should photograph then its all done...I get my board, my food, props(edible) and the camera..and behind me comes the assistant, designer, food/prop tester and the ultimate photographer...
If you take a close look of my will find that props and dry foods start missing or decreasing until finally I decide to run with my stuffs..I should say my Prince has an eye on our camera from the day it has come...Its surviving just b'coz I hide it...:)

Looks like I got little time today to scribble after a long long time...Ya but I seriously need some help from all the moms there...How?  How on earth they manage to do all the stuffs?

Now today's recipe has nothing to do with is a simple pickled recipe my mom used to make as I used to run away from carrots and beets...yes I never liked sweet stuffs in my food, and the tongue was so perfect that the mild sweetness of these veggies looked like loads of sugar to me....So this was her way of feeding me...but lucky me my son is just the opposite...ya just like my hus...Perfect opposite..:)

This pickle is made without any perfect measurements..I added stuffs according to the taste...However I have given an almost measurement of ingredients.. This pickle goes well with rice, rotis, wraps...I love to eat just like that too...Not this alone any pickle..:)

Carrot-6 nos
Beetroot-3 no
Garlic-10 to 12 cloves
Ginger-2 inch piece
Green chilies- 8 nos
Chilly powder-3 tsp
Vinegar-4 tbsp
Salt to taste

Method of Preparation:
1. Clean, wash and dry all the veggies.
2. Cut all the veggies including garlic and ginger to thin strips.Mix everything along with chilly powder, salt and vinegar.
3. Wait for a day and use the pickle.Refrigerate after use.

1. You can easily adjust this pickle according to your taste buds.
2. The chilly powder here makes pickle spicier, add acordingly.
3. Vinegar can be replaced with lemon.Then cut two lemons to thin pieces and mix with the veggies.In this case the pickle would have to wait a little longer than a day as lemon peel takes time to get mixed.
4. Add garlic according to your taste.


  1. Healthy take to pickles, looks awesome.

  2. loved the pics totally reshmi; looks yum

  3. Yummy pickle n nice write up

  4. colourful, simple and yummy pickle :)

  5. mind-blowing pickle reshmi......bookmarked

  6. loved that tiny bharani u used for pickle..looks delicious n yumm

  7. Ha ha...they all come in the same package..has gone through all of that but don't worry it gets better after boy has even managed to burn himself by pulling a hot cup of kettle water from work top when he was 1 1/2 yrs old ..was so active ...they have full of energy that's why they do all naughty stuffs...try to make him tired by taking him outside in some playground and make him run for a while..I started doing all that after that accident and it got better :) btw pickle looks so of my fav pickle..

  8. Lipsmacking and super catchy pickle.

  9. Nice to see. Good to eat! Could eat this anytime. Even as a spicy curry!

  10. the situation is same at my place too. I take pics when he takes his afternoon nap. the pickle looks wonderful. good source of veggies in a yummy. way.

  11. give a big hug to ur lil prince... its an everyday struggle for mom...and no, it doesnt get better as they age... gets worse but with different set of problems altogether..and ur pickle looks delicious, Reshmi.. :)

  12. It's an awesome read.Especially for mothers vibes exchanged.Hope your Prince does well.
    And the pictures I really loved..WIth the recipe,I am totally tempted.

  13. Healthy Pickle n looove the colour dear

  14. YES!!! Time does seems to run these days...I feel I just woke up & now its bedtime!!! I was busy the whole day but yet havent accomplished much from my to-do list..Could not find the time!!The pickle btw looks lip smacking..Easy to make too!!
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  15. Yummy pickle,love the color..looks awesome.

  16. loved the colour and texture. easy,healthy and delicious pickle.lovely post!

  17. The pickle looks very yummy dear. wanna try this. Also enjoyed reading the anecdote about the Prince:) very nice style....made me ROFL:)

  18. very healthy n tangy pickle, looks very colorful too...neatly presented n lovely pictures!

  19. Very colorful & tempting pickle,yummy & loved the bharani:-)
    Monte koode samayam pokunathu ariyunilla alle,Enjoy!!

    Ongoing Events of Erivum Puliyum @ Palakkad Chamayal-Fenugreek Leaves OR Green Chillies

  20. Loved reading about Prince Charming...
    My Princess routine is pretty much the same....I definitely have to have somebody to babysit her while photographing else, like you said one by one, things start missing from the scene :)

    The pickle sounds interesting, but should say, the highlight of today's post was "Prince Charming". What is his name?

  21. Colourful pickle..very attractive!

    Looks like your Prince is keeping you fully occupied 24/7! :)

  22. Thanks everyone for your lovely words...:)
    @Kaveri:His name is Ishaan...:)

  23. ആശംസകള്‍............... ബ്ലോഗില്‍ പുതിയ പോസ്റ്റ്‌...... സംസ്ഥാന ചലച്ചിത്ര അവാര്‍ഡു........ വായിക്കണേ.........

  24. Loved reading about your naughty prince, Ishaan! This pickle sounds wonderful & easy to make! Fantastic pics!

  25. a bunch of awards waiting for u at my space... pls collect it

  26. Fresh pickle... healthy and nice click :)

  27. Pickle sounds awesome.Loved reading how your day goes.It was almost the same with my girl when she was small,now she is so busy herself that she has no time for poor mom.So enjoy while you can.

  28. wow delicious and tempting pickle,luks amazing...

  29. Nice clicks and nice write up.. Pickle looks awesome..

  30. Don't worry, cleaning, mess is part of game. So cooking goes according to its pace. I send my daughter play school 3 days a weeks so it will fine for 4 hours after that it same story

    By the way pickle looks deliciou.

  31. Have been dying to try pickling and have beets in my fridge, gorgeous photo too!

  32. Healthy Pickle...Looks delicious with stunning pictures..

  33. First and foremost, the vibrant color of this recipe is what makes it stand out among others...I am sure I will have fun preparing this. I can imagine how it will look on a really faint plate as background. Thanks for sharing. Pickled veggies can really spice up any boring fried dish, both in flavor and aesthetic departments. Thanks for sharing.

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  34. I love this kind of pickled veggies. Thanks for sharing. I know I'll be trying it out soon!


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