
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Photography Exercise: Adding Life to Photographs

This time the photography exercise by Aparna is to add life to your adding the presence of a human in the picture...This exercise was very tough for me...Firstly my models where too tough...One would not pose(2 year son) and the other one was acting too much(read as hus)...I had almost left the plan of participating...But after a lot of pleading hus was ready to pose and now I was not at all able to click properly...Either the angle or the pose or the food or nothing was proper...I really felt that I am worst at this work...There were many clicks taken but nothing was good to be shown to anyone. Then two days back I was photographing the food that I had prepared for lunch...My husband has the habit of irritating me by picking and eating the stuffs that I set for photo shoot...This time when he did that it happened to be in my favor.. I clicked few...and then I asked him to pose for more clicks(considering that if nothing is there then this would work.).. Anyways feel that these are just ok..Not really sure if composition wise these are good...Do let me know with your valuable comments....

Clicked when hus came home for lunch....Now I noticed that the colors are complimenting...:)
Nikon D3100. 18-55| Manual|  f/5.6| 1/60 S| ISO-400.
Nikon D3100. 18-55|  Manual| f/5.6| 1/40 S| ISO-400.

Nikon D3100. 18-55|  Manual | f/5.6| 1/40 S| ISO-400.
A Planned Shot...:)

I had this plan of clicking my son with a sucked lollipop(He just messes it up such that his whole body would be sticking with lollipop) as one of the pics...and also knew that it was impossible as my son comes running to the camera instead of had almost  dropped the idea. One afternoon while I was clicking something he woke up from sleep and came running to me(basically to grab the stuffs..) In order to divert his attention from the table I handed him a lollipop. I just stopped clicking and was moving my stuffs back to place when my son  was sitting on that table and watching TV. Now there was a chance for me to click...The light is not so good..but still I liked the click as it is something I wanted to try...This is the first image that I had thought when the theme was given...

Nikon D3100. 18-55| Manual|  f/5.6| 1/50 S| ISO-400.
Here focus is on the lollipop...the glow on lollipop making it look like just sucked...

The next capture was taken on sunday...I had baked a cake on friday...Had shot some of the clicks of that and then asked my hus to pose with that..the clicks were pathetic....I just deleted the whole bunch...In between all these shots my son was taking the cake slices and enjoying the whole thing...After posing for me hus went to him and asked him to share his slice(playfully). My son readily did that...(cute right?) which I clicked...Hey he took the slice from dads hand the next minute(when he realized whats happening...:))

Nikon D3100. 18-55| Manual|  f/5.6| 1/60 S| ISO-400.
An unexpected pose, no set up...BG was a bit cluttered...Little post processed to reduce the bg clutter.


  1. Lovely post Reshmi, all the pics speak something or the other :)!

  2. hehe! enjoyed reading your post Reshmi! good clicks and good effort to make a post of this.

  3. Loved the life in the pics!!! Good one :)
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  4. Love your attempts ...they came through beautifully. Pictures with human touch always looks so much more realistic.

  5. Loved the last clicks..It has some really really cute factor:-) I cant stop looking at it:-)keep cumg back to see that!

  6. Hi Reshmi,

    I have awarded you One Lovely Blog award at my space.
    Please find the details as under:


  7. liked all your click dear.. good work..

  8. Perfect... Wonderful clicks...

  9. are way through dear...loved your dedication. And your hubby makes good model!!! :)

  10. Hi reshmi and how are you? I am back to blogging after my net connection is ok.
    i love photography and your shots looks just great- keep it up. have a nice day

  11. Love your perfection in photography dear.

    Today's recipe:

  12. :-) love reading your post dear... and great clicks, sometime clicking in action makes the pics so lively, atleast your husband agreed to be photographed mine wont even stand next to camera and food :D

    Cook like Priya

  13. I like the not set-up mood because your scene was not intended to. The last picture conveys much love. I would have liked it better if the light were different.

  14. Great job girl! I loved the way colors complemented each other in the first shot. I can imagine the huss and fuss these husbands show for taking pictures of food. I am sure his mood would have got better after tasting your yummy meal :-)

  15. Nice shots & they all are filled with life...

  16. Love the little hands. And such a cooperative husband :-)


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