Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Baked Chickpeas

Snack is an unavoidable stuff in our house. Be it with tea or while watching late night movies we tend to munch on something which goes on as a repeated relay of actions form bowl/pack to mouth. Now I dont claim that we always snack on healthy stuffs..but once in a while I like to snack on them and these here make a perfect crispy, crunchy snack which is kindof healthy too..You will be surprised at how quickly the bowl gets empty...:)

Chickpeas-1 cup
Olive oil-2 to 3 tbsp
Salt to taste
Cumin-1/4 tsp
Chilli powder-1/4 tsp(add more if you want it spicy)
Turmeric- 1/4 tsp
Lemon juice-1 tbsp

Method of Preparation:
1. Wash the chickpea and pressure cook it till its soft but not mushy. I pressure cooked it for 6 times on medium high heat. There was no pre soaking.
2. Drain the water and spread the chickpeas on tissue to dry. you can pat dry too.
3. Preheat oven at 400F.
4. In a bowl mix all other ingredients with the chickpeas and spread it on a baking sheet.
5. Bake them for about 30 to 40 minutes until light brown and crispy. See that they dont burn. Do shake the baking pan inbetween for even baking.
6. Serve hot or at room temperature.Stores well in an airtight container.


  1. love the pics. It sure is a great snack!

  2. Such a healthy and cruchy snack,perfectly made..awesome clicks as always.

  3. mind blowing clicks.. looks too yummy:)

  4. the chickpeas look addictive!!! superb pics as usual...

  5. gorgeous pics..n an healthy snack..

  6. Looks so crispy and crunchy. A perfect evening time snack. Bookmarked this....

  7. Crunchy munchy guilt free snacks, love to munch some rite now.

  8. easy and crunchy snack ...perfect for movie nights :)

  9. I have been wanting to try this at home for quite sometime...looks good Reshmi

  10. I love this snack but unfortunately I have never made it at home... Looks delicious

  11. Looks absolutely perfect and stunning.. awesome pics too!


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