Sunday, March 9, 2014

Molten Lava Cake

This was our valentines day treat...I know the day is gone long back and I had been planning for this post since then...and finally its here..A delicious molten lava cake. My search for something that was not too much of work, perfect for two and done in few minutes ended here.

Semi-sweet chocolate chip-1/4cup
Butter-2 tbsp
Powdered Sugar-1/2 cup
All purpose Flour-3 tbsp
Vanilla Extract-1 tsp
Raspberries, Ice cream,Powdered Sugar to indulge.

Method of Preparation:
1. Preheat oven to 400F
2. Grease 2 ramekins with non stick spray/butter. Place the ramekins on baking sheet and set aside.
3. In a medium microwave safe bowl melt chocolate chips and butter for about 1 and 1/2 minutes  until smooth.Stir every 30 seconds to avoid burning.
4. Add the powdered sugar and mix until smooth.Then add egg and whisk until smooth.
5. Stir in flour and vanilla extract and mix until no lumps remain.
6. Distribute the batter equally into two ramekins and bake them for 12 minutes.
7. Remove from oven and let them rest in bowl for 1 more minute.
8. Then invert into a plate and dust with powdered sugar and serve with a dollop of ice cream.


  1. awesome treat!!! looks so well made...

  2. Cake looks Yumm, can I make this without egg, please suggest.

  3. Looks very delicious Reshmi..has been on my to do list for long.

  4. wow....the cake with hot chocolate lava...:) This looks super delicious:)
    Oh common who needs one day to celebrate love ;-)

  5. The ooze in the center is simply divine. You've captured the visuals beautifully.

  6. it looks perfect...looking at the chocolate oozing out of it...I can feel my mouth too about to overflow :)...lovely pics too

  7. OMG.. Looks absolutely gorgeous and inviting.. awesome photography!!

  8. wow awesome work dear searching for the recipe :) found it.. shall try and give u feedback love


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