Monday, October 8, 2012

Cranberry Chutney..My twist..

      India is a place of different regions with varied culture.Same way we have different spices. Each part of India has various spices and we are so much in love with these spices that thinking about food without it is very tough for us. Our taste buds are very much programmed to them that anything bland doesn't appeal to it...Same is every persons situation from any part of the world, everyone has their set of spices...
     Similarly we are very adaptive to the changes in situations by customizing it to our needs.Since we are speaking of food...just look around we will see 1000s of food stuffs that people have changed or altered to make them more closer to Indian food stuffs...I am no different from that...Its not because the recipe by itself is bad, but just because our taste buds are more used to this taste and demand for those...
    Today's recipe is cranberry chutney...Now this is again tweaked to make our taste buds happy..:)
Yes the Indian style cranberry chutney...Ok don't think about a list of spices...Its just 1 or 2 and no much cooking...Its simply too good...with taste that makes each part of your tongue dance...

Cranberries-1 cup
Water-1/2 cup
Cumin powder-1 tsp
Salt to taste
Ginger-2 tbsp(finely chopped)
Red chili flakes-1 to 2 tbsp(add according to heat needed)
Brown sugar/Jaggery-7 to 8 tbsp(This was just mildly sweet, add more or less acc to ur taste)
Cloves-5 nos

Method of Preparation:
1. Add water and cranberries in a pan and boil till it pops and breaks. About 4 mins.
2. Mash slightly the popped berries and then add the cumin powder,cloves, salt and chili flakes.Reduce the heat to low. Boil till the water is reduced to 1/4 cup.
3. Now add the brown sugar/jaggery and continue cooking. Add the ginger pieces at this stage. Mix well.
4. Continue cooking for 4 minutes till the mixture turns slightly thick.Turn off heat, cool and store in a dry jar.Have with chips, breads,rice,anything and everything.

1. I din't wanted to cook ginger, so added it in the last step. The ginger had the crunch, still was mixed with the cranberry nicely.
2. Add jaggery/brown sugar by checking for sweetness. Don't add too much. Recommended to add 1 tbsp at a time. Mix and check.The chutney was thick,  slightly sweet, tart and spicy.
3. If you want it slightly runny stop cooking when desired stage is attained.
4. With above mentioned quantity I got about the amount of chutney pictured.
5. To make roasted cumin powder : Heat a pan and add 2 tsp of cumin to it. Roast it on medium heat till nice aroma spreads. Now crush this using a mortar and pestle to fine powder.


  1. Very interesting chutney.. So colorful and yum!! Love that spoon.. As usual amazing clicks..

  2. Nicely flavored to suit Indians.. Superb clicks

  3. I want to taste it as your first click is inviting me... :)

  4. I wish we got things like cranberries over here. Love your twist on the chutney. Should suit our tastes better!

  5. so perfectly done. just love this chutney very much...well captured...

  6. yummy and perfect chutney! can we do this with frozen cranberry?

  7. Yummy! Looks so good....and Beautiful clicks

  8. wow..beautul chuteny and lovely pics...


  9. it looks yummy..nice clicks :)

  10. Looks superbbb!!! The texture looks soo great.Wish i cud try it but cranberries r damn expensive here:-(
    Totally agree with u on Indianising the recipes:-)I do that all the time..Lol

  11. Lip smacking chutney..lovely presentation..Think the same ings would do for dried cranberries too?
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  12. wow reshmi.. lovely clicks and liked the background..

  13. wow!this looks so tempting and delicious.beautiful colour and presentation!!

  14. lip smacking and delicious!!! nice pictures!!!
    Ongoing Event - Healthy Foods for Healthy Kids - Combo Meals
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  15. Love this sour, sweet, hot and colourful chutney!

  16. Wowwwwwwwwwwwww... Simply awesome.. Lovely captures dear.. Love it :D
    Indian Cuisine

  17. Nice chutney and love the clicks

  18. never tried this with ginger. must be good. good clicks

  19. what a beautiful post, should i say beautiful or delicious :P its both... indian way is the best :-) love the color, pictures and styling and especially the spoon, stunning

    Cook like Priya

  20. Wow,super tempting and so the clicks.

  21. Blogging helped me understand how different and various Indian kitchen is! Your chutney looks very delectable!

  22. Delicious cranberry chutney. Love your version Reshmi.

  23. Cranberry is new to me...But the chutney sounds yum....nice presentation...that recipe card is very beautiful...

  24. Now a days.i am becoming fan of ur it also the chutney.

  25. Chutney looks delicious. Nice clicks

  26. Ginger flavoured canberry chutney is my fav. looks too delicious dear.

  27. As Indians, any chutney will do! And this has an appealing colour.

  28. Super catchy and great looking chutney, beautifully done.

  29. Quite honestly I would prefer your cranberry chutney to regular sauce for the holidays. Looks amazing!

  30. Chutney looks delicious & the mingle of flavors is awesome..

  31. Thanks everyone for your lovely words...
    @Veena and Prathima: You can use dried as well as frozen cranberries.

  32. Very pretty n colorful chutney...nice clicks..

  33. Absolutely love this gorgeous chutney. Bookmarked it. Anecdote on our taste buds is tastefully too feel the same way dear:)

  34. Your pictures are so tempting, Reshmi! This chutney sounds & looks great!

  35. i liked your styling. whenever i see food pics styled so well, i am like i can never get this, especially with the forks and spoons... which always create a problem for me :-(

  36. I've never had cranberry chutney.. i have ate green chutney or tomato chutney Now I'm intrigued to see how this chutney tastes. :)

  37. when I make cranberry sauce I usually add sweet spices like cinnamon and cloves - I never did it with savory spices - the chile must add a nice kick to it - but since cranberries are so tart, I think I would need more sugar/jaggery. Will def. add the chile to it next time I make it.

  38. Looks awesome! I've been lately seeing lots of cranberry recipes going around, and I'm so inspired in making them... especially I can't wait to make this one! Looks too good.


Thank you for your time to vist my small world of cooking. Your comments are my inspiration. Criticism and suggestions are always welcome. Happy cooking!



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