Thursday, November 15, 2012

Shaped Dinner Rolls

Baking Partners 4th challenge was shaped dinner rolls. Swathi suggested two recipes using which the rolls can be made and there where about 7 shapes from which we need to do any 3. She had given every necessary details for shapes with respective videos.
Now on to my struggle with these rolls...As of it the videos were very helpful and clear. I felt that it was easy to shape..but then while shaping other than clover leaf everything else was a bit tough for me...Shaping was not tough..getting the end product in same shape was. Shaped goods looked good once they doubled but after baking somehow they were terrible..I need to learn by practicing to perfect it. As for the recipe I tried baking the one using egg the Lion House Rolls recipe. The rolls where soft and delicious and was texture wise superb compared to eggless ones that I have baked till now.

All purpose flour-5-5 1/2 cups(bread flour can be used)
Warm water-2 cups (110-115 degrees)
Nonfat dry milk-2/3 cup(instant)
Dry yeast-2 tbsp
Sugar-1/4 cup
Salt-2 tsp
Shortening (butter or margarine)-1/3 cup

Method of Preparation:
1. In the large bowl of an electric mixer, combine the water and the milk powder and stir so the milk powder dissolves.
2. Add the yeast to this mixture then the sugar, salt, shortening, egg and 2 cups of the flour.
3.  Mix on low speed of mixer until ingredients are wet, then turn to medium speed and mix for 2 minutes.
4. Stop the mixer and add 2 more cups of flour then mix on low speed until the ingredients are wet, then turn mixer on medium speed and mix for 2 minutes.
5. The dough will be getting stiff and you may need to remove the bowl from the mixer and mix in the remaining flour by hand.
6.  Add approximately 1/2 cup of flour and mix again. (This can be done by hand or mixer). The dough should be soft, not overly sticky, and not stiff. (It is not necessary to use the entire amount of flour).
7.  Scrape the dough off the sides of the bowl and pour approximately one tablespoon of vegetable oil all around the sides of the bowl. Turn the dough over in the bowl so it is covered with the oil. (This helps prevent the dough from drying out.)
8. Cover with plastic and allow to rise in a warm place until double in size.
9. Sprinkle a cutting board or counter with flour and put the dough on the flour.
10. It is now ready to roll out and cut into desired shape and size of rolls.
11. Place on greased (or parchment lined) baking pans. Let rise in a warm place until the rolls are double in size (approx. 1-1 1/2 hours).
12.  Bake in a 375-degree oven for 15-20 minutes or until they are browned to your satisfaction. Brush with melted butter while hot. Yields 2 to 2 1/2 dozen rolls.

To shape the rolls:
1. Braid:

1. Roll the dough in rectangle form.
2. Cut it to half length wise.Cut to strips of the size of two fingers vertically.
3. Cut each strip to 3, not going all the way top. Now take the strips and braid.
4. Pinch the ends together and turn them down.Set on the tray and let them double in size and off to bake.

2. Clover leaf:

1. Pat the dough about an inch thick.
2. Using a medicine bottle make small balls by pressing bottle against dough.
3. Take  three such balls and drop them in a muffin cup.Let them rise for about 1 to 11/2 hour and then bake.

3. Rose:

1. Use a big glass and cut cut the dough into round form.
2. Apply butter on the inner side. Take two such rounds and make smiley face by pressing it to half.
3. Now hold one end of both smiley face and join then. do the same with the other end. Put them in baking tray. Let double and then bake.

The video for above three rolls is here

4. Knot:

1. Take a small ball sized dough and shape to a 9-inch rope.
2. Roll it and then roll the two side to make it thin,resulting in a  fat thick center and slightly tapering/thin ends.
3. Lay it over your finger and wrap the roll around the finger to form a loop and push one end  up through the middle and tuck the second tail underneath.
4. Place roll on a prepared pan . Let it double and then bake.

The video for knot rolls is here

1. Use egg wash to get that brown color.
2. Dab butter immediately once taken from oven.
3. Wrap in a clean kitchen cloth and keep in a box if not using immediately.


  1. Reshmi, you did wonderful job . I like that you topped with seasoning. Perfect. please link it in my blog.

  2. Reshmi,great job dear,rolls look so good,love the clicks dear

  3. awesome job! looks lovely! didnt look like u had a tough time!:)

  4. Great Job dear !! Dinner rolls are so cute and perfectly done !!

  5. Wow!! i envy you! i tried making bread once before, and it flopped. never wanted to go back and try it after that. But your pics make me want to right now!

  6. Reshmi, all looks toooo perfect and inviting... Ur clicks also loooks perfect...

  7. That's a wonderful job Reshmi..I loved all shapes.

  8. That's a wonderful job Reshmi..I loved all shapes.

  9. love it reshmi - guess what ur pics are so so good i feel like picking them right off my screen..........very nice !

  10. Looks super good :) Nice and perfectly shaped ones dear :)
    Egg Rasam

  11. You made wonderful soft and sweet dinner rolls...fantastic.

  12. Wow they look so good...beautifully done.

  13. Soft and fluffy dinner rolls dear... Nice challenge...

  14. Soft and fluffy rolls dear... Looks so yum

  15. gr8 looking rolls.thx for the tip on the shapes

  16. Love the sesame topping dear, well done!!!

  17. Very nice baked goodies! They all look delicious and beautiful!

  18. Lovely shapes. Looks perfect!!!

  19. Awesome rolls Dear..Perfectly baked..

  20. Drooling here :-) Super pics as always

  21. Amazing reshmi love clicks too.. Beautifully done :) :)

  22. Rashmi you are too hard on yourself. These look beautiful Thanks for your lovely comment at my place.

  23. Perfect rolls,specially love the braided ones.

  24. They are so beautiful and brown. I wish I had the patience to let them get brown before taking them out. Loved your presentation.

  25. these look delighful!!! perfeclty shaped and baked..

    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  26. hi reshmi, you cook very well. the bread looks soft and delicious...learn to make the different shapes here. thanks and have a nice day

  27. Dinner rolls look perfect and delicious


  28. Excellent round up of all the delicious recipes. Wonderfully prepared.
    Restaurants in South Delhi


Thank you for your time to vist my small world of cooking. Your comments are my inspiration. Criticism and suggestions are always welcome. Happy cooking!



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