Thursday, August 30, 2012

Photography exercise-Just one ingredient.

This time, a photo post for a difference..:)
This post is just about clicks...Hmmm my effort at learning to click...Aparna of My Diverse Kitchen has Started a photography exercise to improve photographs by clicking, learning and telling your opinion. Its the forth series now. Though I have been thinking of participating from first exercise, it never happened..Anyway from this time I decided to join them and help myself to improve.

Here are a few snaps with single ingredient. Your comments and criticisms are invited...;)

So first I started off with turmeric powder...
Camera: D3100, 55-200mm
on ground near the patio window..Clicked from right..A black board on the left side and behind..Camera on hand
Time: ~ 1.30 pm

Manual mode | f/5 |  1/60s | ISO- 400 |  150mm |

Camera: D3100, 55-200mm
On ground near patio window, Clicked right above, No tripod
Around 1.30 pm
Manual mode| f/4.2| 1/60s| ISO-200| 82mm

Kale leaves:
Camera: D3100, 55-200mm
On ground, Near patio window, White board on left and back, shot from right with tripod
Around: 1.30 pm
Manual mode|f/5| 1/30s|ISO-200| 135mm

Camera: D3100, 55-200mm
On ground, Near patio window
Around:1.30 pm
Manual mode, f/5, 1/50s, ISO-400, 135mm

Camera:D3100, Lens 18-55mm
On table set near patio window, Clicked from right, Black board on left , right and back. Camera on hand.Directly out of camera(No post processing)
Time around 1.30 pm
Manual mode, f/5.6,1/20 s, ISO-200 , 48mm


  1. the pic looks great... nice post

  2. Thank you Reshmi for dropping by.
    I understand what you mean by little more space. Even Aparna said the same.
    In a freak coincidence I took a picture of quinoa too, but as the pictures were quite so many, did not post it....saved for some other time.
    I like the chocolates and the Kale particularly.

  3. Very beautiful images as always. Perrfect professional photographs. You should include tips for amateur photographers like me in the blog posts.

  4. oh my God! the grapes photo is the bOMB!!! beautiful skill, loved your pics

  5. useful and informative!!waiting for more such post..

  6. Nice practice.. Even I 'm experimenting the same way..

  7. I also wanted to join her photo exercise. but, I am worrying about time management between work and blogging. BTW, I love your last click. Simply awesome.

  8. Just loved the last click! Loved the dark dramatic look of grapes!

  9. You did a very hard job with your camera. Simply awesome! Every click has its distinction of its own. Lovely dear.

  10. Wow Reshmi - those look really sharp and focussed - wonderful shots dear - congrats :)

  11. Beautiful clicks... m&ms and the kale pictures are the best.

  12. Wow i like all the above clicks, but the one with turmeric is looking just super. I SO envy your skill. I m not patient enough to plan and take proper clicks. The minute my bakes are out of the oven, I like to share and dig into it :D.
    I would like to invite you to my blog-hop Cook Like a Star. The theme is Masterchef. You can check out the details here.
    Do join us in the event.
    Take Care,

  13. I missed this exercise... I'm late but I'm hopping around to see all the linked entries...

    I really like the effect of turmeric on that background...I find the spoon distracting but I can't really point out why...

    I totally love the Kale, Quiona and the grapes...


Thank you for your time to vist my small world of cooking. Your comments are my inspiration. Criticism and suggestions are always welcome. Happy cooking!



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