Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hot Cross Buns

Happy Easter to everyone who celebrate...Here is some hot cross buns..:) Everytime I studied the rhymes" Hot cross buns" I have wondered how these buns were.. Finally I baked my own batch of hot cross buns by replacing egg with  flax seeds and using raisins and cardamom as flavors..Here is the recipe

All purpose Flour-3 cups
Active dry yeast-2 tsp
Milk-1 cup(lukewarm)
Honey-1/4 cup
Salt-1 tsp
Flax seed powder-1 tbsp
Hot Water-3 tbsp
Cardamom-1tsp(seeds lightly crushed)
Raisins-1/2 cup(golden and dark mixture)
Egg wash/Milk wash

Method of preparation:
1.In a bowl mix yeast and milk and set to foam for 5 minutes.
2. Mix flax seed powder and hot water and let sit for few minutes. It will turn thick by that time. If it doesn't then heat this mixture till it turns thick and resembles egg white in texture. Let cool for some time.
3. Add honey, salt and flax mixture and stir until everything mixes.
4. Add the cardamom and raisins and mix well.
5. Add flour to this mixture and knead to a soft and elastic dough about 8 to 10 minutes. The dough is sticky at beginning but turns soft and elastic as you knead it. Add little extra flour if really needed approx 1 hour for me..
6. Transfer the dough to lightly oiled bowl and set aside to double in size. 
7. Punch the dough and shape them to 12 round balls/ rolls and set on a baking tray to rise for another 25 minutes.
8. Preheat oven to 400F. Egg/milk wash the rolls and bake for about 10 to 15 minutes or till lightly browned.
9. Allow to cool.Apply icing and serve.

For Icing:
Confectioners sugar-1/2 cup
Cream-1 tbsp

1. Mix the cream and powdered sugar to smooth paste. 
2. Once rolls cool completely,  use a piping bag to mark the cross on the buns. You can do it with a tsp too.


  1. Happy Easter wishes.Your hot cross buns looks awesome.

  2. Amazing buns..I really loved the way you presented it Reshmi...happy Easter to you as well.

  3. lovely bake and beautiful clicks!!!

  4. Bun looks very spongy and soft....yummy

  5. Lovely snaps and cutie cutie buns... Everyone time someone posts this, I too think of the nursery rhymes...

  6. delicious hot cross buns, happy easter dear...

  7. Yummy soft bread, looks stunning dear.

    today's post:

  8. looks too good.. tempting.. perfectly done.. nice presentation too

  9. Who can resist to this beautiful buns,inviting and very attractive..

    Happy Easter..

  10. I made them some years ago. They are pretty tasty. Lovely clicks

  11. wow delicious buns,luks too tempting...

  12. Yummy looking buns..Great pics too.

  13. looks very tempting & delish!!

  14. They r looking so perfect. I love raisins in bread

  15. looks very tempting. Irresistible.

  16. Wow you have such a nice blog! I just started following you and it w'd be highly encouraging if you may follow mine too !

  17. These look really good, the bottle is so cute!

  18. Lovely buns, perfect for the occassion


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